Hong Kong 2050 is Now Young Environment Ambassador Programme

Over the past few years, the field of climate activism has seen new young faces taking the reins, the most prominent being Swedish activist Greta Thunberg and Nisreen Elsaim from Sudan, who chairs the UN Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change.

To position Hong Kong’s younger generation at the forefront of creating a more sustainable future and help them instigate change, Civic Exchange is organising the Hong Kong 2050 is Now Young Environment Ambassador (YEA) Programme. We believe this will build awareness of climate change among Hong Kong’s youth and help cultivate “issue experts” who are trained in climate science, design-thinking skills, and with hands-on experience.


1. Raise awareness and understanding among Hong Kong’s youth and students on the causes and consequence of climate change

2. Promote local sustainable lifestyle through ambassador training, sustainable projects and peer education

3. Nurture students to become the next generation of climate leaders and empower them to take ownership of their sustainable projects

What will students gain:

  • An understanding of climate issues and challenges
  • Skillsets and confidence in discussing climate issues
  • Become Issue Experts and “Community KOLs (key opinion leaders)” on climate science and sustainability
  • Exposure to Hong Kong’s climate leaders in Government, the corporate sector, and civil society
  • Launch and lead sustainable projects delivering tangible impact
  • Meet new, like-minded friends

Upon completion, participants will receive:

  • An official certificate
  • A chance to win a cash prize at the YEA competition
  • For outstanding participants, a chance to intern with selected NGOs

About the Programme

The YEA programme will be in three phases, LEARN-ACT-LEAD, and will create a community of Young Environment Ambassadors over 7 months. The programme will offer a summer of workshops and training sessions to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to become Climate Changemakers. Using their new skills, participants will plan and implement sustainable projects with the support of Civic Exchange and its partners.

Learning phase

(July 2023 – August 2023)

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Acting phase

(September 2023 – December 2023)

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Leading phase

(January 2024 and Beyond)

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Timeline - Last Updated on 15 June 2023

Enrollment Deadline 25 June 2023
Opening Ceremony 8 July 2023 AM
Session 1 : Climate Knowledge Building 15 July 2023 AM
Session 2 : Climate Knowledge Building + Field Visit #1 22 July 2023
Session 3 : Human Library + Skills Building 29 July 2023 AM
Session 4: Skills Building 5 August 2023 AM
Session 5 : Skills Building + Field Visit #2 12 August 2023
Session 6: Skills Building + Project Development 1 19 August 2023 AM
Session 7: Skills Building + Project Development 2 26 August 2023 AM
Sustainable Projects Execution & Monthly Check-ins September - December 2023
Showcase + Award Ceremony Late January 2024


Fee: Free


  • F.4 – 6 students with good academic standing and good communications skills in English and Cantonese
  • Students with demonstrated leadership potential and interest in sustainability

Cantonese supplemented by English. This will be an excellent opportunity for local students to hone their language skills while expanding their global perspectives.


20210710 Opening Ceremony Video 開幕禮影片

20210710 Opening Ceremony 開幕禮

20210712 Field Visit to Mil Mill 實地考察:參觀Mil Mill

20210719 Sessions Highlights – 1 課堂學習(一)

20210731 Field Visit to MOCC, K-FARM & Carbon Wallet 實地考察:參觀賽馬會氣候變化博物館、堅農圃、Carbon Wallet

20210731 Sessions Highlights – 2 課堂學習(二)

20210821 Sessions Highlights – 3 課堂學習(三)

20220119 Session Highlights Video 活動回顧影片 

20220521 Closing Ceremony Video 閉幕禮影片

20220521 Closing Ceremony 閉幕禮

20210710 Opening Ceremony Video 開幕禮影片

20220119 Session Highlights Video 活動回顧影片 

20220521 Closing Ceremony Video 閉幕禮影片

20210710 Opening Ceremony 開幕禮

20210712 Field Visit to Mil Mill 實地考察:參觀Mil Mill

20210719 Sessions Highlights – 1 課堂學習(一)

20210731 Field Visit to MOCC, K-FARM & Carbon Wallet 實地考察:參觀賽馬會氣候變化博物館、堅農圃、Carbon Wallet

20210731 Sessions Highlights – 2 課堂學習(二)

20210821 Sessions Highlights – 3 課堂學習(三)

20220521 Closing Ceremony 閉幕禮


Funding Organisation

Supporting Organisation