Release notes

7th October, 2021

What's new

  • When dropping cards onto empty boards they will be moved to the canvas of the empty board and keep their orientation, rather than being sent to the unsorted notes.
  • Creating a new card by pressing Command+Return (or Control+Return) while editing another card should now push cards below down to make space for the new card.

What's changed

  • Improvements to the card-overlapping algorithm to avoid unintended card moves.
  • Multiple images can now be uploaded again via the "Upload an image" button in the "Add image" popup.
  • Only show a preview of PDFs in the mac app due to issues with the PDF viewer.

1st October, 2021

What's new

  • Cards in quick notes are now searchable through the search popup
  • You can now replace preview image of file or link cards, either by selecting "Replace image" in card's right-click menu, or long hover and dropping an image file/card onto the card preview
  • Multiple cards can now be reacted to at once

What's changed

  • Improvements to overlapping cards algorithm
  • Fix an issue where copy and pasting from Illustrator can kill boards
  • Other minor bug fixes & improvements

23rd September, 2021

What's new

  • There's now preferences to disable the card helper-tips that suggest adding a title, or converting to a document, etc.

What's changed

  • Fixes to some task editing bugs such as new tasks being created at the wrong position, pressing return at the start of tasks no longer moves the current task below sub tasks and some improvements to undo & redo.
  • If a card has styled text (e.g. a heading or numbered list, etc.) then it will no longer convert into a different card (e.g. swatches or links) when that text content is added.
  • Fixed code text styles in document previews.
  • Comments will no longer be automatically sent when a pinned comment is collapsed.
  • Images uploaded from the iPhone will now crop correctly.
  • Fix a bug where the "Keep this copy in sync?" tip would show even after clicking "yes"

15th September, 2021

What's changed

  • New audio player styling
  • Fixed a bug that would duplicate columns multiple times if multiple columns are selected when pasting other columns
  • Improved drag & drop when boards are in columns by making it easier to drop in between boards
  • Allowed comment threads to be dropped into boards within columns
  • Fixed to-do list helper tips, such as "Add a task to this list?" and "Delete completed tasks?"
  • Removed placeholder text in canvas exports
  • Many other minor UI tweaks and bug fixes

7th September, 2021

What's new

This update is all about adding new ways to express your ideas visually. Here's what we've added:

  • A new drawing tool to sketch ideas, markup designs and create storyboards
  • Improved color swatches
  • Video and Audio cards for saving inspiration from around the web
  • Documents, for when you want to write more than just a quick note (replaces long-form notes)
  • Improvements to files - they can now be switched between an icon or a preview mode
  • A customizable toolbar (one for the power users!)
  • Plus more minor features and behind the scenes improvements

2nd September, 2021

What's changed

  • Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause duplications to get lost.
    E.g. Copying to-do lists would often result in some of the tasks not being copied correctly. This should now be fixed.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Milanote to crash when cards with significant amounts of content are copied.
  • Further preparation for upcoming features.

30th August, 2021

What's changed

  • Minor cosmetic changes & bug fixes
  • Preparation for upcoming features

19th August, 2021

What's changed

  • Fixed broken preview images & improved performance of previews
  • Minor security enhancements
  • Preparation for upcoming features

22nd July, 2021

What's changed

  • Fixed iPhone push notifications to published boards
  • Minor backend stability improvements

14th July, 2021

What's changed

  • Improvements to image uploads

23rd June, 2021

What's changed

  • Server side stability improvements

10th June, 2021

What's changed

  • Fixed a bug that disabled search functionality on Safari
  • Fixed a bug that caused a startup issue on older browsers
  • Fixed a bug that disabled arrow key shortcuts for task assignments
  • Significantly reduced JavaScript file sizes - resulting in quicker page loads
  • Other minor UI fixes.

2nd June, 2021

What's changed

  • Fixed letter spacing issues in PNG & PDF exports & support newer emojis.
  • Fixed a bug that could crash the colour popup.
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally stopped marquee selection from working in unsorted notes.
  • Other minor UI fixes.

25th May, 2021

What's new

  • Editable/published board links will now be shown in the URL, even for the users that do not need them to view the board. This is to make it easier to share the links that other users need to view the board.
    NOTE: If both the editable link and published links are enabled on the same board, the editable link will be favoured in the URL.

What's changed

  • "Quick search" improvements: When searching for boards, each word will match each board title word, rather than having to exactly match the board title.
  • Fixed a bug where a remote selection indicator for your own user would occasionally show when selecting a card.
  • Improved cut and paste between tabs for columns or to-do lists.
  • Inline links to Milanote boards will now load in the current window rather than a new tab.
  • Minor UI bug fixes and improvements.

19th May, 2021

What's changed

  • Native files can now be dropped into columns, boards, quick notes and unsorted notes, rather than just the canvas.
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally prevents custom templates from showing.
  • Fixed a bug that stopped the auto shift feature from working when new cards are dragged out, rather than created by double clicking.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause clone cards to crash if they were created in a specific order.
  • Allow published boards to be opened in new tabs.
  • Fixed a bug with email preferences for assignment emails.
  • Other minor bug fixes and UI enhancements.

12th May, 2021

What's changed

  • Many minor bug fixes and server stability improvements.

5th May, 2021

What's new

  • View PDFs in app: (web only) PDFs can now be viewed within a modal popup in Milanote in the browser, meaning you no longer need to download PDFs to view them.

What's changed

  • Improvements to the automatic colours that are chosen based on the images on a board.
  • New default colour palettes for boards that don't have images.
  • Improvements to the auto-shift algorithm.
  • Page load improvements.
  • Minor UI improvements and bug fixes.

28th April, 2021

What's new

  • Note background colors: Notes can now have background colors! Pick from the default colors, custom colors or the board's suggested colors.
  • Suggested colors: When you add images to a board, the color picker will now suggest colors for your boards and cards based on the colors in the images.
  • Updated color picker: The color picker has been revamped to support the new background colors and suggestions, and to make it clearer how the color will be applied to each of your elements.
  • Boards now automatically use the suggested colors, and will update as those suggested colors change.
  • Invite from the mention popup: When mentioning someone you don't currently share a board with, you can easily invite them to collaborate from the popup.
  • Mark all notifications as read button: There's now a button to mark all notifications as read. Get rid of all those red dots in one click 🎉

What's changed

  • Combined Text style menu: The text color and text style menus have been combined, to make it easier to find both all formatting options in one place.
  • Notes show a transparent option in the background color of the color picker. This replaces the "Make transparent" option in the context menu.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a Note to crash when it has a clone, and the "@" mention popup is used.
  • Improved reliability of Mac App when reopening, and when downloading updates.
  • Improvements to server stability.

21st April, 2021

What's new

  • Collapsible columns: Columns can now be collapsed to just the heading section, using the collapse/expand toggle in the top right of columns (shown on hover).
  • Unsorted notes marquee select: You can now use a drag marquee style of selection in the unsorted notes.

What's changed

  • Indent/Un-indent tools are now shown in the toolbar for to-dos.
  • Minor usability improvements

15th April, 2021

What's changed

  • Fixed a bug causing long form notes to not display their text content, when viewed on the canvas.