Image editor: Images can now be cropped and rotated from the image slideshow view. Double-click an image to view full screen, then edit.
What's changed
Task lists can now be resized
Updates to the Milanote MacOS app in preparation for MacOS 10.15
Improvements to link detail fetching and display
Improvements to board listing in the Chrome Web Clipper
Minor bug fixes and improvements
23rd September, 2019
What's new
Task due dates & assignments: Tasks can now have due dates set with reminder notifications. If the tasks are assigned to a user only that user will receive the reminder notifications.
What's changed
Improvements to the download button on files, allowing them to be manually downloaded or opened in a new tab
Minor bug fixes
12th September, 2019
What's changed
Fixed a bug that prevented long form notes from being opened
Fixed a bug that caused some errors when duplicating boards
11th September, 2019
What's new?
Image slideshow: Double clicking on images now opens within a modal in Milanote and other images on the board can be shown using the arrow keys.
What's changed
Video files are now downloaded rather than opening in a new tab
A zoom bug resulting in empty space to the left of boards has been fixed
Fixed a bug that caused lines to disappear when one edge was connected to a card
4th September, 2019
What's changed
Style changes for completed tasks
Task indentation improvements to make editing feel more natural
Enabled .3dl, .cube and .drp files to be uploaded
Focus on card captions when they're enabled
14th August, 2019
What's changed
Fix a bug on the mobile website that caused the header to be hidden
Hide counts when exporting boards
Persist the selected interface size on the Mac app
Many minor bug fixes
8th August, 2019
What's new
Media players for uploaded files. Uploaded video and audio files (that can be played in your browser — mp3, acc, mp4), will now have a media player attached, allowing you to play them from inside a Milanote board.
What's changed
Server-side performance improvements and reliability improvements
Improvements to the suggested results for the image search popup
A handful of bug fixes
31st July, 2019
What's new
New "medium" grid size. This can be selected via the Account Settings modal.
Scale to fit This new feature allows you to see an overview of the entire board. Scale the board by clicking the icon to the right of the Title bar, or use the shortcut: ⌘+⇧+0 (Mac) or Ctrl+⇧+0 (Windows) You can scale back into an area by clicking on it, selecting the icon, or using the shortcut again.
What's changed
The grid size will no longer change when resizing the browser window. Instead choose the size you prefer in the Account Settings modal.
23rd July, 2019
Bug fixes
Minor bug fixes when exporting to markdown
18th July, 2019
Bug fixes
Fixed toolbar animation overlap
Fixed old browser page load bug
10th July, 2019
What's changed
Major performance improvements to page load times
Moderate performance improvements across the app
1st July, 2019
What's changed
New completed tasks style - they no longer have the strike through
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that caused some users to load an empty board without any ability to navigate elsewhere
26th June, 2019
What's changed
Major performance improvements when starting to edit existing cards
Minor performance improvements across the app
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that was preventing some comment notifications from being sent
19th June, 2019
What's changed
Improved copy and paste of text/images from Milanote to other applications
Removed the linear document PDF export
Links to Instagram posts are now resolved into images
The Quick notes popup now stays open when navigating between boards
Quotes are now wrapped in quotation marks
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that was preventing activity digest emails from being sent for some users
Improved the automatic selection of icons for boards with punctuation in the title
Fixed a bug that prevented boards from being dropped on the Templates toolbar item
Fixed a bug that caused some images in PDF exports to be mis-aligned
Fixed dragging a template that was highlighted by clicking a notification
Fixed the visibility of the Hyperlink toolbar item in Safari
Fixed a bug that prevented activity indicators for comments from being cleared
6th June, 2019
Bug fixes
Improved error handing for individual elements, so an element with corrupt data won't break the whole application