Release notes

6th October, 2020

What's changed

  • Behind the scenes line improvements

30th September, 2020

What's changed

  • Minor cosmetic bug fixes

23rd September, 2020

What's changed

  • Fixed a bug where cards couldn't be clicked due to a line elsewhere on the board.
  • Improved the selection of lines while using the marquee tool.
  • Delete connected lines if the card is deleted or moved to a new location that can't connect lines.
  • Background billing system improvements.

16th September, 2020

What's changed

  • Fixed a bug that prevented older browsers from dragging and dropping cards
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Polish diacritics from being entered in some cases

9th September, 2020

What's new

  • Save to home button: When viewing a board that you don't have a shortcut to, a button will appear that will create the shortcut in your home board.
  • Oembed discoverability - allowing services to convert published Milanote URLs into embedded boards.

What's changed

  • iOS share bug fix: Fixed a bug that caused the iOS app to incorrectly show boards without any details in the share menu.
  • Minor line performance & drag and drop improvements

3rd September, 2020

What's changed

  • Usability Improvements for management of large pro teams
  • Fixed an error caused by lots of people reacting to a card 👍
  • Minor improvements to the list of recently viewed boards
  • Minor improvements to embedded boards

26th August, 2020

What's new

  • Embedded boards - Read only versions of published Milanote boards can now be embedded in external sites. Make sure you check the "Generate HTML embed code" when publishing to get the code for your site.
  • Shortcuts - The Milanote shortcuts have been revisited to make them more consistent, more discoverable and in some cases more powerful! Browse the shortcuts by pressing the / key to open the new shortcuts modal.
    Some of the most popular new additions include:
    If a single note, comment, board or column is selected or being edited, another can be created using Cmd+Return (Mac) or Ctrl+Return (Windows).
    Return will start editing if a single card is selected.
    Space will navigate to the selected board or open the selected image.
  • Recent boards: Pro users will now see a list of recently visited boards when they first open the search popup.

19th August, 2020

What's changed

  • Fixed a bug causing tasks to disappear when they're dropped between task lists
  • All shared users (even those that used the old sharing methods) will now be shown in the editors list.
  • Minor bug fixes

12th August, 2020

What's new

  • The desktop canvas view can now be viewed on the mobile web site. Click "Switch to desktop view" in the account popup.
  • The Milanote Web Clipper has been restyled to match the web app redesign

What's changed

  • Improvements to transparent image detection.
  • Improved Instagram caption retrieval.
  • Minor performance, error handling and cosmetic tweaks.

4th August, 2020

What's new

  • All cards can now be locked in place via a new context menu item "Lock position"

What's changed

  • Page load performance improvements for subscribed users with large amounts of content.
  • Duplication improvements: Shortcuts remain as shortcuts after duplicating (Option + drag, Alt + drag, or copy / paste). A new context menu item "Duplicate the board it links to" will perform the old duplication - copying the contents of the board into a new board.
  • Fix a caching issue when choosing to "Reopen closed tab" in Chrome.
  • Minor bugs and stability improvements.

29th July, 2020

What's new

  • Code blocks - A new monospace paragraph style with horizontal scrolling.
  • Reaction indicators - notifying you which cards have new reactions.
  • Help menu option - See the current version of Milanote and link to the release notes

What's changed

  • Cards will be scrolled into view when they're edited (E.g. in unsorted notes, or outside the viewport on the canvas).
  • Editor changes will be saved on close. Previously edits to a paragraph might be lost if the browser window was closed immediately after editing.
  • Minor visual tweaks and bug fixes.

22nd July, 2020

What's new

  • View the users that have seen your published board.
  • Boards with background colours will keep the colour in the board export.
  • Orange activity indicators now give a summary of the change

What's changed

  • The header breadcrumb will now prioritise the full path in the most common scenarios (rather than shortening the path when there's a shortcut).
  • Minor bugs and tweaks

15th July, 2020

What's changed

  • Improved the registration process for invited users

8th July, 2020

What's new

  • Published boards can now be protected by passwords

What's changed

  • Minor mobile-web bug fixes

24th June, 2020

What's changed

  • Improved performance of fetching of your subscription team data
  • Improvements to error handling
  • Minor visual and usability tweaks

17th June, 2020

What's new

  • Allow a welcome message for published boards

What's changed

  • Fixed a bug that would turn off notifications for the wrong board
  • Minor interface tweaks and bug fixes

11th June, 2020

What's changed

  • Fixed a bug that caused search to crash
  • Minor interface tweaks

10th June, 2020

What's new

Redesigned board sharing:

  • Boards can now be shared or published simultaneously using unique links.
  • Users don't need to be added individually any more to be editors, just enable the "Let anyone edit this board" toggle and share the unique link with them.
    Guests can view the board but will need to create a Milanote account in order to make edits.
  • Boards can also be "published".
    Published boards work in a similar way to the old "secret links", however comments can be enabled to allow feedback and reactions on the board.

25th May, 2020

What's new

  • Allow password reset links to be opened on mobile
  • Fix a bug when loading board breadcrumbs

13th May, 2020

What's new

  • Allow the web app to be installed (via Chrome 70+ or Edge 79+)