What's changed
- New completed tasks style - they no longer have the strike through
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused some users to load an empty board without any ability to navigate elsewhere
What's changed
- Major performance improvements when starting to edit existing cards
- Minor performance improvements across the app
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that was preventing some comment notifications from being sent
What's new
- Tap on the title when viewing a board to edit its name and color
- Board and column deletion – Deleted something accidentally? Login to the web and browse the trash!
- New app icon, aligning it with the Milanote web app
- When creating a link element, a helpful tip to enable the Milanote share extension is shown
- All texts now support dynamic system font size
Bug fixes
- Fix crash on adding caption to an image that has none
- Fix token expiry not logging out the session correctly
- Fix vertical alignment on notes
- Fix text being cut off on cards within containers (columns or tasks)
- Fix text selection over multiple lines not highlighting correctly
- Fix dynamic font size causing to-do list checkboxes to be misaligned
- Fix copying text from the app to a different app causing it to paste encoded data
- Fix text missing from notes under certain formatting
- Fix the content mode for image previews on links
- Adjust the delete button from swipe-to-delete to center to the visible part of a long element
What's changed
- Improved copy and paste of text/images from Milanote to other applications
- Removed the linear document PDF export
- Links to Instagram posts are now resolved into images
- The Quick notes popup now stays open when navigating between boards
- Quotes are now wrapped in quotation marks
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that was preventing activity digest emails from being sent for some users
- Improved the automatic selection of icons for boards with punctuation in the title
- Fixed a bug that prevented boards from being dropped on the Templates toolbar item
- Fixed a bug that caused some images in PDF exports to be mis-aligned
- Fixed dragging a template that was highlighted by clicking a notification
- Fixed the visibility of the Hyperlink toolbar item in Safari
- Fixed a bug that prevented activity indicators for comments from being cleared
Bug fixes
- Improved error handing for individual elements, so an element with corrupt data won't break the whole application
- Improved server-side reliability
What's new:
- You can now create boards right from the app
- Automatically convert Notes with only a single URL in the first line into Links
- Added Help center and Live chat to the Account screen
- Added delete completed button to the To-do list editing screen
- Added the ability to swipe to delete to the To-do list editing screen
Bug fixes:
- Fixed misaligned autocorrect highlight while editing a note
- Hide irrelevant Google Sign in error
- Updated the styling for a shortcut to a board. Distinct styling for: a shared board, a shortcut to a shared board, and a shortcut to a private board