Custom scrollbars on Windows to improve their appearance in dark mode
Fixed a bug that caused crashes on old browsers
8th April, 2020
What's new
Apple Sign In can now be used for login and registration
8th April, 2020
What's new
with Apple
On launch, select either Quick Notes or Your Boards depending on which one was last selected
Updated Intercom SDK
Bug fixes
Fixed animated GIFs not animating in the full screen view
Fixed socket connection issue
2nd April, 2020
What's changed
Improvements to performance and reliability monitoring
What's new
Reactions! Use the emoji picker to add reactions to cards, images and comments.
24th March, 2020
What's changed
Desktop minor bug fixes
Mobile web minor bug fixes.
12th March, 2020
What's changed
Performance: Improved JavaScript bundling - reducing its size and increasing its speed.
Minor bug fixes
4th March, 2020
What's new
Preference to change heading fonts to simple (sans-serif) fonts - this can improve the experience for some languages
The ability to empty your personal trash
What's changed
Fixed a bug that prevented user details from loading on secret link boards
Minor style improvements
26th February, 2020
What's changed
Fixed a bug that caused the Mac App to crash when exporting boards.
Improved text editing in to-do lists
Shortcut: "Control+Shift+Up" (Cmd+Shift+Up on Macs) will navigate up one level in the board hierarchy.
Multiple emails can now be pasted into the board invite & team plan modals. They should be comma separated, e.g. ","
Many more file types can now be uploaded to Milanote.
Many minor bug fixes and improvements
19th February, 2020
What's changed
Performance: Boards with a large number of cards in unsorted notes will load and navigate quicker.
Performance: New cards and boards will be quicker to create.
Other minor performance and stability improvements.
12th February, 2020
What's changed
Performance: Boards with a large number of cards on the canvas will load and navigate quicker.
Performance: The browser should no longer stall when opening an image on boards with a large number of cards.
Security: Email notification when a log-in occurs from a new device.
Other minor performance improvements.
5th February, 2020
What's new
Redesigned interface & interactions
Dark mode
Background colours for boards
New colours
The ability to turn off the grid
Many minor improvements & bug fixes
22nd January, 2020
What's new
High quality PDF exports: Pro users can now choose to export PDFS with original-quality images embedded — perfect for printing
Middle mouse scrolling: Click-and-drag with your middle mouse button to move around the canvas (you can also hold the spacebar)
What's changed
Fixed a bug that could prevent resetting password on an iPhone with the Milanote app installed
Improved the reliability of fetching custom template details
8th January, 2020
What's changed
Template Picker: added a toggle to allow keeping example content when using a template
Image modal: Image captions now appear below the image instead of overlaid
Fixed a bug that was preventing some Google accounts to log in to the Mac app
Fixed a bug that prevented right-clicking to paste a url into a Link card
19th December, 2019
What's changed
Minor bug fixes and updates
5th December, 2019
What's changed
Minor bug fixes and updates
25th November, 2019
What's new
New template picker — it's now available each time you create a new board. The experience of browsing and previewing templates has been improved and we now have 100+ templates for every type of creative project.
What's changed
Fixed a bug that caused too many "@" symbols in front of names in mention emails
13th November, 2019
Bug fixes
Fixed crash on deleting bullet on an empty note
Fixed unsorted notes created by another user's iPhone showing on top of the list
Fixed board viewing permissions resolving incorrectly, especially on Notifications and Search
Fixed the rich text composer accepting unsupported attachment attributes on pasting, e.g. images. This was causing an [OBJ] tag to appear on notes.
Improved the memory usage of the share extension, it can now handle more images at once before hitting the low memory alert
30th October, 2019
What's changed
Fixed a bug that caused errors when pasting links on the mobile website
25th October, 2019
Bug fixes
Fixed text sometimes being cut off when inside of containers
Fixed dark mode color for code blocks
Fixed various crashes identified by the crash reporter, including a crash on login
Fixed the keyboard blinking when switching between creating content types
Fixed 'Quick Notes' and 'Your Boards' not appearing immediately on login
Fixed boards empty states showing before the board has been loaded
Fixed the tab bar being cut off when the status bar is larger than usual (e.g. maps navigation, personal hotspot indicator)